
Basic Contact Form

Obedience/Behavior Registration Form

Client Information:
Dog's Information:
Obedience Training Waiver:
I understand that I am solely responsible for my and my dog's actions during the duration of training. I am aware that dog training is not without risk to me, others or my dog. It is my responsibility to take precautionary measure for the well-being of myself, my dog and others around me.
I release ABC Dog Training instructor and assistants from any and all liability of any nature. I assume the risk of any damage or injury during any training session to myself, my dog or others as a result of my or my dog’s actions. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Abc Dog Training, Sally Gordon and its volunteers, including dogs used for training purposes during class sessions, from any and all claims by any member of my family or other persons accompanying me to any training sessions, as a result of any action by any dog, including my own, or for any reason.
Training fee is nonrefundable once lessons have started. Fees can be transferred to other services offered and must be done within 3 months of original date. For Group Classes only, the $25 deposit can be transferred to other training if you are unable to attend the group class.
By clicking this box you acknowledge acceptance and understanding of the waiver and refund policy on this application.

Agility Registration Form

Client Information:
Dog's Information:
Agility Training Waiver:
I understand that I am solely responsible for my and my dog's actions during the duration of training. I am aware that dog training is not without risk to me, others or my dog. It is my responsibility to take precautionary measure for the well-being of myself, my dog and others around me.
I release ABC Dog Training instructor and assistants from any and all liability of any nature. I assume the risk of any damage or injury during any training session to myself, my dog or others as a result of my or my dog’s actions. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Abc Dog Training, Sally Gordon and its volunteers, including dogs used for training purposes during class sessions, from any and all claims by any member of my family or other persons accompanying me to any training sessions, as a result of any action by any dog, including my own, or for any reason.
Training fee is nonrefundable once lessons have started but transferrable within 3 months to other lessons or services offered by ABC Dog Training.
By clicking this box you acknowledge acceptance and understanding of the waiver and refund policy on this application.

ABC Dog Training with Sally Gordon

5000 U.S. Highway 1, Mims, FL 32754

(321) 200-5756

Serving Titusville, Mims, & Cocoa, Fl